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Let's Predict how long your
top candidate will stay

Use the power of predictive modeling, take your recruiting to the next level.
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Let’s Predict how long your top candidate will stay
$1.5 Bn
USA firms lose every year on mis-hires
50+ Data Points
Make data strategic with predictive analytics
Up to 95% accuracy
Tested against real life cases

Predict the future
of your company

Hirize DataAI
Join the next era of recruitment intelligence

Join the next era of
recruitment intelligence

Easily integrate Hirize DataAI into your system with a simple RESTful API call. It can assess any type of document or pure text and generate a score.

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Customer stories

"With Hirize, we experienced an impressive increase in qualified applicants - a massive 30% jump! Streamlining our recruiting process has never been more successful."
Jer Langhans
Paired Sourcing

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Everything you need to know about Hirize APIs, integrations and pricing.

Hirize DataAI is a cutting-edge retention tool that uses predictive analytics to determine which candidates are more likely to succeed in a given role and which are more likely to resign. The API-based tool helps businesses identify potential attrition risks and take proactive measures to reduce employee turnover.

Hirize DataAI uses advanced predictive analytics algorithms to analyze employee data such as job history, performance reviews, and other factors to determine which employees are more likely to leave the company. Based on this analysis, the API generates a report that identifies attrition risks and provides actionable insights for improving employee retention.

By using Hirize DataAI, businesses can reduce the costs associated with employee turnover and improve overall employee satisfaction and engagement. The API helps businesses identify potential attrition risks and take proactive measures to retain top talent, such as offering professional development opportunities or implementing employee recognition programs.

Hirize DataAI is highly accurate in predicting employee attrition. The API uses advanced predictive analytics algorithms that are constantly learning and improving over time. The API also takes into account a wide range of factors that can impact employee retention, such as job satisfaction, compensation, and career development opportunities.

Integrating Hirize DataAI into your business's HR system is a straightforward process that can be done by your website developer or IT team. The API typically provides documentation and support to guide the integration process. Once integrated, the API can be accessed through a user-friendly interface or integrated directly into your HR management system.

Need a custom integration?
Use our API
Our robust API let you seamlessly integrate Hirize with your own product, tech stack, or other tools.
Custom integration